TIGER & BUNNY Wild Tiger Clip
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"TIGER & BUNNY Set 1 DVD and Blu-ray, in stores 2/19/13
Stern Bild City is a thriving metropolis where superheroes called NEXTs protect the streets, sponsors pull the strings, and a hugely popular show called Hero TV captures all of it. Veteran hero Kotetsu Kaburagi (AKA Wild Tiger) and hotheaded new hero Barnaby Brooks, Jr. (nicknamed Bunny by his friends) are forced to team up not only to protect Stern Bild City, but to earn as many points on Hero TV as possible. Joined by a diverse cast of heroes, all with different powers and answering to their own corporate sponsors, Tiger and Bunny must find a way to work together, uncover the secret of the Ouroboros, and earn enough points to become this year's King of Heroes."
Hashtag: [tigerandbunny, tiger, bunny, barnabybrooksjr, superhero, superhero, action, tiger&bunny, tvshow, english, anime, manga, otaku, fireemblem, rockbison, dragonkid, bluerose, pepsi, gyukaku, sunrise, gundam, sternbild, kotetsu]
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